Personal tutoring

Our tutoring packages give you a regular, hour long tutoring slot with me Mr Bale along with access to the whole of the Bale's Chemistry learning hub. You will use a whole range of resources both online and offline to improve your learning. 

Anytime, Anywhere

Using online video and tutoring applications we can work together to improve your understanding. We can find a mutually convenient time every week or every other week to meet your needs. You will need a computer to access the sessions, in addition a tablet you can write on can help you get the most from the tutoring.

Get in touch...

Use the form here to contact me, let me know the following;
  • How often you would like tutoring?
  • Suggest some suitable times?
  • Are you 1st year or 2nd year?
  • What are you aiming for?
First Name
Last Name
E-mail address
Your message


Thank you!
I will reply as soon as possible!
(I am to reply with in 2 working days)

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